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Cymru v De Affrica 
Dydd Sadwrn 23ain Dachwedd, 2024
CG 17:40

Wales v South Africa
Saturday 23rd November, 2024
KO 17:40

Dyma eich canllaw cefnogwyr hanfodol ar gyfer Cyfres yr Hydref

Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at eich croesawu i Stadiwm Principality

Here is your essential supporters guide to the Autumn Nations Series.
We look forward to welcoming you to Principality Stadium!

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Gatiau'n agor
Gates Open
 Cic Gyntaf
Kick Off
*All timings subject to change.

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If you need to bring medication or equipment that fall outside of the stadium bag policy, please click here.

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To view this guide in Welsh, please click here

Please ensure that you arrive with plenty of time to make your way through the turnstiles to your seats.
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Bydd yr holl docynnau yn cael eu cyhoeddi'n ddigidol.
All tickets are issued digitally.

Mae'r ap rhad ac ddim ar gael nawr i'w lawrlwytho o'r Apple App Store neu Google Play Store
Please download our App, available free from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store

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Cymorth a chefnogaeth: Tocynnau
Help and support available here: Ticketing

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Rydym yn ymdrechu i ddarparu dewis eang o fwyd a diodydd gan ystod gwych o gyflenwyr, gan hyrwyddo busnesau a chynnyrch lleol yng Nghymru.

We strive to provide a wide selection of food and beverages from a fantastic range of suppliers, championing local Welsh businesses and produce.

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U18's can get £1 OFF soft drinks or hot dogs. Just show your U18 digital ticket at the food & beverage outlet.

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Does dim byd tebyg i sŵn miloedd o leisiau yn canu emynau a chodi llais. Canwch a chefnogwch y tîm!

There's nothing like the sound of thousands of voices singing hymns and arias. Bring your voice and back the team!

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 Kay Russant
Caerphilly Male Voice Choir,
Kenfig Hill & District Male Voice Choir, 
Meibion Goronwy,
Meibion Marchan
Regimental Band Corps of Drums of the Royal Welsh 
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Dr Haydn James 
Rhys ap William,
Geraint Hardy 
For our visually impaired supporters, Ref Mics are available to pre-order, for more information please click here

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Anogir deiliaid tocynnau i gynllunio eu taith ymhell ymlaen llaw a pharatoi ar gyfer traffyrdd a ffyrdd prysur. Cyngor ar deithio ar gyfer digwyddiadau:

We encourage you to plan your journey, and make allowances for busy motorways and trunk roads.
Up to date travel information can be found here:

For city wide accessibility information, please click here.

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Traffic information service for motorways and trunk roads in Wales:

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Park & Ride information from Cardiff Bus can be found here: cardiffbus
Blue Badge parking is available in multiple city centre locations. For more information please click here.
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Transport For Wales
Great Western Railway
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Full Road closures in place from 13:30 - 21:30
Cardiff Council

We have a friendly accessibility team to meet and greet you at each gate of Principality Stadium.

You can easily locate the accessibility stewards at each gate as they are wearing white tabards.

Our Accessible Stewards Team can be found in the following locations: 

Gate 1: Located at the turnstiles of gate 1 via the boardwalk.

Gate 2/3: Located at the stadium footprint perimeter at the bottom of the ramp.

Gate 5: As you approach the turnstiles the stewards are located on the righthand side by the access ramp.

Gate 6: Located at the turnstiles by gate 6.

Gate 7: Located at the turnstiles by gate 7.

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 Gate 1
 Gate 2 & 3
Gate 5 
Gate 6 & 7 
Cardiff Central Station
Fitzhamon Embankment
(drop off point)
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