How do I get paid?
Payments will be processed 7-10
days after the event has taken place and will be paid by PayPal. If you do not
have a PayPal account, you can choose to be paid by payment link. The payment link will be sent when payment is ready, you will need to follow the instructions on the email and set up an account with PayPal to receive payment.
How do I edit my payment preference?
Please go to WRU Supporter Exchange Platform and log in to 'My Account'.

You will then need to click 'Payments' and select either PayPal or payment link

I don't have PayPal can I still
list tickets for sale?
Yes, when you complete your listing,
you will be able to select payment with PayPal or link via email. Please select
link via email, once the sale is complete you will be sent a link to set up an account.
I don't have PayPal can I still buy tickets?
Yes, you will be able to buy tickets using a credit or debit card.
When will I get paid?
Payments will be processed 7-10
days after the event has taken place. If you have selected payment link please know the link will not be sent until the payment processed date.
How much does it cost to list
Sellers will be charged 10% per
ticket to sell tickets on the exchange platform. This is deducted before
sellers are paid.